25 Feb Tutorial Assistance Program
What is the Tutorial Assistance Program?
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs understands the need to have academic benefits for vets that allow honored service members to advance their education.Hence, the Tutorial Assistance Program was developed to offer continued education for veterans help service men and women argument and reach their educational goals. This educational assistance benefit may be applied to tutoring sessions and is offered as a compliment to survive member’s existing educational assistance.
What Are the Benefits?
The Tutorial Assistance Program is an excellent program for individuals with a deficiency performing in one or more subjects. With up to $1,200 available to each eligible service member, monthly dividends are often equal to the total monthly rate for tutoring, or no more than $100 per month.
Am I Eligible?
In order to be eligible for veteran’s educational assistance through the Tutorial Assistance Program, military personnel are required to be enrolled in a post-secondary course, with half-time hours as a minimum time requirement. Post 9-11 GI Bill recipients are often required to be attending classes over the standard ½ time minimum. Students are also required to have a legitimate deficiency in one or more of their assigned courses and must be currently enrolled in that course during the time of tutoring.
How Do I Apply?
To apply for the Tutorial Assistance Program, students must fill out the VA Form 22-1990t, also known as the Application and Enrollment Certification for Individualized Tutorial Assistance. The student’s tutor of choice and certifying officer are also required to complete designated sections of the form.
The approval of a certifying officer is mandatory, simply because it confirms that tutoring is critical for enhancing the student’s performance in one of more classes, and that the selected tutor was approved by the college. Applicants should note that each form should be dated with the day tutoring is expected to conclude.
Lance Huggins
Posted at 14:26h, 13 JulyDo you have tutor for va vets lancehuggins hugginslance7 @gmail.com