12 Dec Should Trump Pardon Edward Snowden?
Snowden was a CIA employee and subcontractor who released evidence regarding misuse of the “Patriot Act”. He was charged under the espionage act and fled to Russia, he currently stays there under temporary asylum.
Some say he’s a heroic whistleblower and deserves a pardon. Others say that he’s a traitor.
Should President Trump pardon Edward Snowden?
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Should Trump pardon Edward Snowden?
Can’t Say
Robert Reidy
Posted at 00:34h, 29 NovemberThe NSA tracks every cell phone in the world. They lied before congress and they weren’t tracking Americans wittingly. Snowden could not use other government agencies because they were all in on it. He exposed nothing except that they are tracking everyone in America against the 4th Amendment. He got nothing for doing it and wanted only for established journalists to show the world. The reason he ended up in Russia is because the State Dept suspended his passport en route to Ecuador.
Proud To Have Served
Posted at 23:52h, 10 NovemberSnowden does not deserve a pardon.
I viewed the Snowden interviews and the movie. I also listened to professionals on this subject.
I believe Snowden is an unlawful, arrogant narcissist who acted for his own personal gain and fame.
He was an unreliable contractor, not a Government employee.
He could have informed other Government agencies instead of notifying the world.
Maybe the US Government wire taps were not the best decision, but that was the time we were living in.
Snowden’s actions caused the bad characters in the world to change their tactics and make tracking even harder
After many years of arrogant, self proclaimed heroism, he now wants to return to the USA.
The Russian Federation can keep him indefinitely. He can spend his 5 million dollars in Moscow.
Posted at 19:43h, 10 NovemberEvery day our brave troops and intelligence agents place their lives in harms way to protect our nation. Anyone who violates the trust of America, exposes our nation to our enemy, and finds comfort in their nation is not an American!
Janice Holder
Posted at 17:26h, 10 NovemberLet him serve his full time for treason. He could have handled it differently, but he chose to share with outsiders.
James,M Courtney
Posted at 13:17h, 10 NovemberEdward Snowden is a criminal fleeing prosecution in Russia. The intelligence community and the USA is still feeling the effects of his unauthorized disclosure of information. He failed to use the established whistleblower protocol by releasing information to a foreign country, thus making him susceptible to charges under the Espionage Act. He is due his day in court, but he should NOT be pardoned.
Timothy Zernial
Posted at 00:26h, 06 NovemberHe exposed what needs to be and potentially saved lives
Terry L Foster
Posted at 10:51h, 05 NovemberHe committed to the CIA that you won.t be sorry. He made his committment to us, his felllow Americans to do what his job requires and he violated us!