Should the government increase or decrease military spending?

Should the government increase or decrease military spending?

Military spending has risen substantially over the past decades.
Those in favor believe the military should continue to be strengthened for a stronger nation.
Critics predict more wars and bankruptcy if the trend continues.
You have served the country in adverse times using your nerves of steel.
What are your thoughts? Do you support the increase of military spending?

Today is the day. Now is the moment. Vote for change.

  • Should the government increase or decrease military spending?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Can’t Say
  • Ronald Rader
    Posted at 14:10h, 12 June Reply

    Yes if you served and were discharged the people of the USA should, must honor you by taking care of your medical expenses.

  • Geechie Boy
    Posted at 01:02h, 07 June Reply

    I think the Defense budget is too large and that money would serve better use in the VA.

  • Salvador Rivas
    Posted at 12:55h, 29 May Reply

    Interesting question. Unfortunately our government knows only one way to face a problem. That is, throwing money and people at it. IF, properly managed, our forces would be just as effective and more efficient. American society is based on waste and the military is a prime example of poor management. Therefore I say reduce spending. Force responsible/smart spending, maintain our lethality and save taxpayers money. Don’t move the money from one hand to another, force positive change and you may have what you want that was mentioned above. MAGA.

  • John Demane
    Posted at 14:02h, 28 May Reply

    Strong military = strong country

    Posted at 21:23h, 25 May Reply

    Yes, Trump is good for America! I am a Veteran and small business owner. Trump has done more for Veterans and small businesses in his first term than Obama did in both terms. There are more jobs now! That in itself is extremely great for America. When Obama was building the Wall, the democrats didn’t say anything! They wrote that check quickly. But since Trump is wanting to finish what Obama started, they want to be stupid! Only the democrats are causing America harm. This is still a free country! So, my advise to them is if you don’t like what he is doing, you can move somewhere else.

  • Ninh tan Nguyen
    Posted at 20:40h, 06 May Reply

    Hi I’m veteran US Marine Corps I need Supporting

  • Carla Stevenson
    Posted at 00:21h, 24 April Reply

    The only purpose for the Central Government was the security of the Nation and it has been expanded over the years to be a welfare organization. I do not accept the premise of Social Security and Medicare as welfare. I have paid into SSN since I was 13 years old and went to work for an Insurance company. Most Americans with legitimate SSNs have earned their benefits by having jobs and contributing to the fund for their entire life. I support a strong military and want it to be the BEST in the WORLD. Any” gimme” programs should be ended.

  • Robert
    Posted at 20:00h, 14 March Reply

    Increasing spending only allows them to waste more or spend on frivolous research projects that they know will go nowhere. Any money should be strictly itemized where possible to prevent frauds waste and abuse.

  • Frederick Wolfe
    Posted at 17:24h, 14 March Reply

    Daniela, well said, I agree 100%. I am a Korean veteran.

  • Eric J. Bennett
    Posted at 01:17h, 13 February Reply

    I feel that the military should have all of the funds that it needs to complete their missions. Of course I also believe that the politicians should not have the final say so in how the military handles their issues. Otherwise we will end up with another Vietnam where they were running everything from Washington and out guys in the field were getting their butts shot off because they were afraid of China and Russia. Well they just are not afraid of us enough.. I say give’m HELL!!

  • Walt
    Posted at 05:06h, 31 January Reply

    Yes. And let the military use its skills to work on making the planet cleaner and healthier,
    while providing jobs and defense when needed.

  • Daniela Ferreira
    Posted at 01:01h, 25 January Reply

    No I do not support any more increases to the military complex spending. As a country and as a member of this planet we have other things that need our investing and attention. Enough with all the wars!

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